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Nominations Are Open!

Nominations Are Open!

Young Survival Coalition was founded in 1998 by young women diagnosed with breast cancer under age 35.

Discouraged by the lack of resources available and the under-representation of young women in breast cancer research, these women formed the first organization for young breast cancer survivors. And in doing so, laid the foundation for the powerful sisterhood that is YSC today.

YSC is made up of people: survivors, co-survivors, volunteers, donors, healthcare providers. Our strength comes from our community. So in our 20th year, we will honor our roots — the people who have helped build YSC into what it is today — and also look forward, recognizing those in our community who are changing the future of breast cancer in young women.

We call these individuals Game Changers.

We will highlight Game Changers throughout 2018, our 20th anniversary year, sharing their stories with the world and thanking them for their contributions to our community.

Here’s where you come in.

Who do you think are the Game Changers for young women affected by breast cancer? We’re looking for folks who’ve made a difference in the past, and who are actively working to change the future. We’re looking to feature Game Changers in a number of categories, like Advocates, Volunteers, and more.

Visit to nominate your Game Changers.