YSC Position Papers
YSC Responds to Issues on Breast Cancer in Young Women

Using sound scientific data, these papers present our position on sometimes controversial issues. We provide the underlying journal citations on each position paper so you can read about the issues and decide for yourself.
American Cancer Society Updates Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines
Our response to the October 20, 2015 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) about changes in screening guidelines for mammograms and clinical breast exams. Read the YSC Statement.
JAMA Article on Breast Cancer Incidence
A February 26, 2013 article in JAMA discussed the incidence of breast cancer in the United States and concluded that the number of young women presenting with metastatic disease at initial diagnosis has been increasing over time. Read our response.
Ultrasound Recommendations and Breast Density Legislation
Our response to FDA Advisory Panel recommendations on the legislation of ultrasound and proposed legislation regarding supplemental screening for breast density. Read the YSC Statement.
Breast Cancer EARLY Act
In July 2009, YSC co-authored the Joint Statement on the Breast Cancer Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young (EARLY) Act of 2009 (H.R. 1740, S. 994). Read the Joint Statement.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for Breast Cancer
We made a statement in response to the American Cancer Society’s March 2007 guidelines for breast cancer screening with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Read the YSC Statement.
Breast Self-Exams (BSEs)
This position paper helps answer questions that many YSC constituents have asked about Breast Self Examination (BSE) and early detection. This information will help young women make informed healthcare decisions. Read the YSC Statement.
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