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YSC Face 2 Face | How-To Guide


Dear F2F Coordinator,

Welcome to the Young Survival Coalition Face 2 Face (F2F) Networking Program. You are now part of YSC’s largest outreach program, supporting thousands of young adults across the country. Thank you for bringing this much needed local source of support to your own community.

We look forward to working with you to help create a vibrant and successful network. Please reach out to me, Amanda Nixon, Director of Community Engagement & Empowerment, with any questions or requests for additional support as you familiarize yourself with your new role as a F2F Coordinator.

We are so glad to have you in a leadership role so we can work toward supporting, empowering and connecting young adults affected by breast cancer!

With gratitude,
Amanda Nixon
Director, Community Engagement & Empowerment
Young Survival Coalition

Table of Content

YSC Info and links

F2F Program Overview

F2F Coordinator Process Flow

F2F Coordinator Materials

Rules of Engagement

YSC F2F Inclusivity Guidelines

F2F Networking Best Practices

Venue Ideas

Discussion Ideas

Sample F2F Meeting Agenda

In-Kind Donations

Promote Your F2F Network

Request Graphics for Social Media

Sample Email for Healthcare Providers

Private Facebook Groups

YSC Mission

Young Survival Coalition (YSC) strengthens the community, addresses the unique needs, amplifies the voice and improves the quality of life of young adults affected by breast cancer, locally, nationally and internationally.

YSC Contact Information

YSC phone number: 877-972-1011

YSC Tax ID number: 13-4057685


YSC Resources

YSC Private Facebook Groups:

All Survivors & Thrivers

Stage IV



Virtual Hangouts:

Your F2F will be listed here:

Educational Materials for download:

For updated information regarding YSC’s annual conference, symposium, peer to peer matching and Champions fundraising please visit

Emergency support

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number: 800-273- 8255

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It is important that YSC has a sense of how many members are in your F2F at all times. YSC is supported by donations and often have reporting obligations to ensure we are serving our community. Please encourage each member to sign up for a program on the YSC website (YSC newsletter, Virtual Hangout, download load a navigator, etc…). You may also use a printed or virtual sign-in sheet at your events and submit via email to

What is the YSC Face 2 Face (F2F) Program?

More than 170 local F2Fs exist across the country to provide a place where young adults affected by breast cancer can meet and support each other. These F2F networks are created and led by passionate survivors, thrivers, social workers and healthcare professionals.

F2F Coordinator Responsibilities:

  • Be the local point of contact
  • Complete online training and read Jumpshare documents
  • Promote the F2F locally and encourage young adults diagnosed with breast cancer to join
  • Serve as admin of local private Facebook group
  • Communicate any changes/updates/concerns about F2F
  • Secure meeting space/location or host virtual gatherings
  • Share YSC programs, resources and information with F2F members
  • Facilitate group discussions
  • Foster environment of confidentiality, safety, warmth and comfort
  • Ensure YSC receives member contact information

Support/Tools Provided:

  • Private Facebook group for F2F Coordinators
  • F2F Coordinator Quarterly Zoom Chat
  • F2F flyer template for promotion (printing available)
  • Email YSC database upon request to announce your group or a specific event
  • Post/share on social media about your F2F
  • Access to YSC Zoom account if needed
  • Free registration to the YSC Summit and YSC Symposium
  • F2F Jumpshare Library (access to all F2F trainings, documents, tips etc.)
  • Letter of recommendation or volunteer reference

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Process for Face 2 Face Coordinators

Getting Started:

  • Personalize and edit the flyer template
  • Consider creating a separate email to use on the flyer, example:
  • Finalize venue/meeting space/time/logistics/ Zoom


  • YSC will send a promotional email and share on social media once you have your meeting details
  • Announce your group on social media
  • Share in YSC Facebook groups and other breast cancer community pages and groups #yourcity
  • Share flyers with your healthcare providers and ask them to share with their patients
  • Post flyers at local cancer centers, grocery stores, restaurants, libraries, coffee shops, hair salons, etc.
  • Ask F2F members to take a few to their healthcare providers and friends
  • Remember that promotion takes time and effort on your part. Don’t get discouraged!

Welcome New Members:

  • Review Rules of Engagement
  • Check your private Facebook group regularly and accept pending requests
  • Post within your group and engage with new members that join by introducing yourself and inviting them to the next meeting/virtual hangout


  • Once you have a few members you can host your 1st meeting! Arrive a few minutes early to your location or virtual space so you can promptly welcome attendees
  • If no one RSVP’s, consider rescheduling and try again

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F2F Coordinator Materials


JumpShare is where all of your F2F Coordinator resources can be found.

Open Jumpshare

What will I find on the JumpShare?

  1. Group Dynamics Video (20 minutes): This training outlines communication tips for keeping the conversation going by setting up an atmosphere conducive to sharing and supporting each other. Learn how to set personal boundaries and use active listening during your support gatherings.
  2. Tools: YSC W9 Tax Form, In-Kind Donation Info, Sign In Sheet, Rules of Engagement, Tips on promoting your F2F
  3. Template Flyer for you to edit
  4. Discussion topics
  5. YSC Powerpoint
  6. Audio recording of “How to Deal with the Hard Things”

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Rules of Engagement

The goal of Young Survival Coalition’s Face 2 Face (F2F) groups are to provide emotional, moral and social support and a way for young breast cancer survivors to give and receive support. The following Rules of Engagement have been crafted to facilitate the development of trust and enable attendees to share thoughts and feelings with each other.

  1. Confidentiality is essential. We expect that each F2F member will respect and maintain the confidentiality of what is shared/discussed in the group. What is said in the group is not to be repeated or discussed at any other time or place. This includes taking photos and/or posting online. Please first obtain permission if you desire to share or post anything.
  2. F2F’s gather to share feelings and personal experiences. Please be sensitive to attendees as you may not share the same experiences. This includes but is not limited to treatment, provider relationships and provider choices. Attendees strive to share without interruption and allow each person the opportunity to speak openly.
  3. Every attendee is encouraged to participate to whatever extent they feel comfortable.
  4. Attendees will respect members’ treatment and medication choices and will refrain from giving medical advice.
  5. The group will give supportive attention to the person who is speaking and will avoid side conversations.
  6. If any attendee has an issue with something someone says, please try to discuss it privately with that person first via phone, instant messenger, chat or email. You are also encouraged to contact Amanda Nixon, Director of Community Engagement at

Note: F2Fs are voluntary associations of social support. They are not professional therapy groups. Even though the goal is to support each person, F2F groups may not meet attendee needs. YSC hopes members will attend a couple of events before deciding whether the F2F is the right fit. Please contact Amanda Nixon, Director of Community Engagement at with any questions/concerns.

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YSC F2F Inclusivity Guidelines

YSC Face 2 Face (F2F) members will come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. We ask that F2F Coordinators use language and clear communication that makes everyone feel welcome and included. We strive to create an environment where all attendees feel safe, supported and empowered.

Please keep in mind the following:

  • F2F members come from diverse backgrounds. This includes geographic location, race, ethnicity, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, language and religion (or lack thereof). During your interactions with members, avoid stereotypes and making assumptions, and use language that is inclusive of those whose background may be different than your own.
  • This is an inclusive group and welcoming environment. Please refrain from making comments about an attendee’s appearance, experience, language or anything else that could make them uncomfortable.
  • Treat members with differing viewpoints, experiences and decisions with dignity, respect and courtesy.
  • When speaking about romantic partnerships, acknowledge that some members are in same sex relationships. For example, consider using “partner” instead of “husband” or “boyfriend”.
  • Not all attendees have a romantic partner. When speaking about relationships or support network, know that not all members are married or in a committed relationship. Sometimes their family and friends are their main source of support.
  • F2F members are at various phases of breast cancer diagnosis. They may be newly diagnosed, post-treatment, a long-term survivor or living with metastatic breast cancer. Please provide information and use language that is inclusive of those who are living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC), in-treatment for the rest of their lives or who don’t know their prognosis. For example, YSC uses “thriver” to describe those living with MBC, as opposed to survivor.
  • YSC uses the term “co-survivors” instead of “caregiver” and this person may be the partner (male, female, non-binary), parent, sibling or friend of a young breast cancer survivor.

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F2F Networking Best Practices

Day & Time:

  • Give members at least a weeks’ notice so they can plan
  • Try varying times and days of the week. Try nights, consider weekends
  • Poll the members at your group to see what times/days’ work best for the
  • Once you find a time that works, be consistent-same day and time each month
  • If you want to vary times and days of the week, plan ahead and communicate
  • If you want YSC to post on social media, share your gathering details


  • Pick a location that is geographically convenient for most members
  • Ensure location has available parking
  • If it is a peer support meeting, be sure it is private and conducive to discussion
  • If it is a social/networking meeting, be aware of costs and mindful of members’ financial situations. (ex. restaurants)
  • Be consistent. If you want to rotate locations consider having a schedule of rotation
  • Zoom is a great option that allows those in treatment to dial in from the convenience of their own home

Meeting Tips:

  • Have someone assigned as a greeter to welcome everyone; especially new members
  • Get member input when planning social activities, for example,
    determine if members are more likely to meet for a walk or would prefer to meet for coffee
  • Utilize the poll feature on Facebook to see what topics of discussion might be of interest
  • Consider the health and physical ability of your members: plan a variety of events
  • Have a schedule/routine so members will know what to expect
  • At the end of the meeting be sure to announce the next meeting’s date and time

F2F Size/Attendance Expectations:

  • If only 1 person attends, you are still making a difference, it takes time to grow
  • Some fluctuation is normal; especially during the summer and around holidays
  • When decreased participation is consistent, however, it should be proactively addressed. There are numerous reasons why people miss meetings or stop attending, so communication is key. Ask for member input.

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Venue Ideas

You can vary the venue but consider keeping the day/time each month consistent.

  • Cancer Center or Hospital
  • Churches/temples/synagogues
  • Public park
  • Virtual venue (Google Hangout, Zoom, What’s App)
  • Private homes
  • Community Center
  • Coffee shop/ Restaurant patio
  • Grocery store private room (Whole Foods)
  • Public library
  • Office Conference room
  • Cancer non-profit organizations (ex: Cancer Support Community, Gilda’s Club)
  • Local colleges or universities
  • Community Rooms at local malls
  • Apartment complex/neighborhood clubhouse

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Discussion/Topic Ideas

  • Body image/self-image
  • Breast reconstruction
  • Raising young children
  • Depression/stress/anxiety
  • Preparing for surgery
  • Fitness
  • Cooking class
  • Pink-washing
  • Nutrition
  • Long term survivorship
  • Options for hair loss and growth
  • Movie screenings & discussions
  • Leaving a legacy/ Death Cafe
  • Advocacy
  • Journaling
  • Sexuality, intimacy & communication
  • Fertility/surrogacy/adoption
  • Treatment side effects
  • Insomnia & fatigue
  • Fear of recurrence
  • Complementary medicine
  • Managing lymphedema
  • Art therapy
  • Post-treatment (the space in between)
  • Resiliency
  • Breast prosthesis education & fitting
  • Clinical Trials
  • Skin care
  • Genetics
  • Mediation and yoga
  • Workplace, legal and insurance concerns/resources
  • Integrative medicine and Homeopathy
  • Finances
  • Co-Survivor Issues

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Sample F2F Meeting Agenda

This is something you can use or adapt to fit the needs of your unique F2F network.

Welcome: Approximately 10 minutes

  • Welcome and housekeeping:
  • Brief overview of Rules of Engagement
  • Announcements:
    • Local events/resources/YSC website – encourage people to sign up for the newsletter or “Sign in” on printed sign in sheet
    • Confirm everyone is part of your private Facebook group
    • Introduce yourself and any co-leaders: share your story (you are modeling how others will share)

To help facilitate communication

  • Age and stage at diagnosis, brief synopsis of treatment
  • Anything personal you want to share
  • Is there an issue to discuss or question for the group?
  • Is there anything top of mind that you’d like to discuss with others?

Group sharing

  • Approximately 30 min-1.5 hours (depending on the length of your meeting)

Wrap up

  • Thank everyone for coming
  • Discuss date/time of next meeting
  • Be sure to get the sign-in sheet with contact information of all new members to YSC

Virtual meeting considerations

  • It is preferable to use a desktop/laptop vs phone to host a virtual gathering so you can see all participants
  • Change your name to reflect your role (ex. Jane Smith (F2F Coordinator))
  • Online can be awkward; prepare an ice breaker and/or have small talk prompts while people are first arriving
  • You will need to monitor the chat and make sure lingering questions are answered
  • Be sure to end on time and poll attendees regarding the next gathering

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In-Kind Donation

In-kind donations are items or services given without receiving some form of payment in return. These can be gift cards from a business, meeting space, bagels from your local bakery, a professional’s time teaching a class…ANYTHING!

What type of in-kind donations would I want for my F2F?

  • Meeting space
  • Food: snacks/platters/drinks
  • Yoga instructor willing to teach your F2F a class
  • A free group painting class
  • A healthcare professional willing to discuss a specific topic
  • A social worker to come in and share some coping skills
  • Anything you can think of that meets the needs of the women in your F2F

Tips on Asking for Donations

  • Know what you are asking for, have a specific quantity/request
  • Know why you are asking: explain how the donation will benefit the F2F
  • Narrow your list of who to ask, do your research
  • Write a script and practice!
  • It’s ok if someone says no. Keep asking, don’t give up
  • Use the request letter template with YSC logo on JumpShare
  • Have YSC’s Federal Tax ID number (EIN): 13-4057685/W-9 Form is on JumpShare

Suggested Programs/Companies to check out

  • Panera Bread: Panera Gives (application on their website)
  • Grocery stores: Kroger, Smiths, Fry's, Publix, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, etc. Most of them
  • Have a page about how to request donations on their website
  • Local gyms/YMCA’s/YWCA’s/Yoga studios
  • Local paint or DIY studio
  • Local breast center/cancer centers/hospitals/cancer organizations
  • Local restaurants: Subway, Chick-fil-a, Starbucks
  • Costco, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target


  • Be sure to send a thank you card or thank you email after receiving a donation of any kind!

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Promote Your F2F

  • Use social media @youngsurvivalcoalition
  • Post F2F flyers in healthcare provider facilities including oncology offices, treatment centers,
  • Surgeons’ offices, hospital lobby, clinics, and resource centers
  • Ask healthcare providers to refer patients to YSC
  • Reach out to other cancer organizations and community groups asking them to post F2F
  • Information in their office and on their websites
  • Take flyers to local breast cancer walks and community events to promote your F2F
  • Ask members of your group to share with their doctors
  • Every time you talk to a young adult affected by breast cancer (or a co-survivor) make sure to get their contact information to follow up
  • Reach out to new members on Facebook when they join, say hello and give them an encouraging nudge to come to your next gathering. This will help in building a personal connection with the group.

Choosing a healthcare facility

To successfully promote your F2F Network, it is very beneficial to inform local healthcare providers. You should choose those healthcare facilities you believe work closely with young adults affected by breast cancer.

Locations for outreach

  • Oncologists, radiologists and breast surgeons offices
  • Hospitals, National Cancer Institute Centers, cancer centers and clinics
  • Resource centers and patient libraries
  • Social work department

Staff to meet with

  • Breast health/outreach coordinator
  • Nurse or patient navigator
  • Social workers
  • Breast health specialists
  • Doctors
  • Patient Advocates
  • Adolescent and Young Adults Cancer Programs

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Request Graphics for Social Media

Request Graphics

Getting Started:

Fill out this form (F2F Request - Form by Asana) to have YSC design social media posts and/or promote your activities on YSC’s social media channels. Additionally, use this form to have YSC design your Facebook group cover photo and/or Instagram profile image.

Sample Email for Healthcare Provider

Dear ______________,

Please allow me to introduce myself, I am (name) a Young Survival Coalition (YSC) volunteer. YSC is a 501c3 non-profit organization that strengthens the community, addresses the unique needs, amplifies the voice and improves the quality of life of young adults affected by breast cancer. YSC offers tailored resources, connections and outreach so young adults feel supported, empowered and hopeful.

I have just started a local YSC Face 2 Face Network so I want to be sure that you are aware of this resource and ask you to please refer young patients diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 40(ish) to this group. Patients can join from the YSC website:

I hope you can pass this along to your colleagues and share with your patients. I have attached the F2F Network flyer. Feel free to share within your newsletter, social media and/or your website. You may also consider printing it and hanging it at your facility. Thank you for helping me spread the word about YSC so that no young adult will face breast cancer alone.


Contact Info

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Set up Your Private Facebook Group

Here is an easy guide to setting up a private Facebook group.

  1. Name your group using the standard YSC (Your City Name) Face 2 Face
  2. Select “Private” and “Visible” as the settings for your group (By selecting private, no one outside your group will be able to see what is posted in the group or who is a member but being visible allow people to find and join.)
  3. Add 3 screening questions (location, age at dx, year of dx) but you can add more if you wish
  4. Cut/Paste the following “About” section: This is a private group for young adults diagnosed with breast cancer age 40 and under and a safe place to ask questions, share your experience and make connections. This group is open to all (insert your city/state here) young breast cancer survivors and thrivers. For more ways to connect with other young survivors and thrivers visit CONNECT at
  5. Invite Ysc Amanda Nixon to your group.
  6. Once she accepts the invitation, make the account an Admin. To do so, click Members below your group's cover photo. If you don't see Members, click More. Click next to Ysc Amanda Nixon and select Invite to be admin. This allows for the group to be linked to the main YSC Facebook page.

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YSC is so grateful for you.

By volunteering to lead a F2F Network, you are connecting young breast cancer survivors and thrivers to a circle of support. Thank you for ensuring no young adult faces breast cancer alone. Reach out to YSC staff for support at any time.