Practical Concerns
Dealing with life’s day-to-day after a breast cancer diagnosis can feel overwhelming. Roles and responsibilities often change. Fortunately, help is available. These matters can include health insurance, financial concerns (e.g. prescription co-pays), daily living, career considerations, end-of-life planning and allowing others to support you in a variety of ways.
Download Our Organizational Tools
Check out our resources page to download our tools that can help keep you organized.

Health Insurance
Even with "good" health insurance coverage, the costs you can incur, what will be covered and what doctor options are available can be confusing. Learn how to make your health insurance policy work for you and what your options are if you are uninsured.

Financial Assistance
Young adults often don't have savings or retirement funds or loved ones on which to rely for financial support. Find organizations that can help provide assistance.

Whether returning to work, changing jobs or joining the workforce, a breast cancer diagnosis can impact your career.

End of Life Planning
Regardless of the stage of your diagnosis, it is important to make plans and state your wishes so your loved ones know what you want.
Connect with Others
Find women who know what it’s like to face breast cancer at a young age. The YSC community makes it easy to find and connect with other young survivors and co-survivors.