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YSC Recognizes our Champions!

YSC Recognizes our Champions!

As we gear up for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, we want to pause and honor the many amazing members of our community who help support and empower young women affected by breast cancer in a simple but impactful way: by taking a normal, everyday activity, and turning it into a fundraiser for YSC. These people are our Champions, and this month, we celebrate them.

Like Allison Vitsky, who translated her love of SCUBA diving into a one-of-a-kind fundraiser for YSC, or Rachel Pittman, who celebrated her thirtieth birthday in style, and asked her guests to give back to YSC.

Champions support YSC in all kinds of ways. They take activities they’re passionate about, super-skilled at, or just things that are crazy-fun, and turn them into fundraisers.

YSC Recognizes Champions

If you enjoy starting your day with yoga, you can ask your instructor to host a benefit class. Got a  standing dinner date with your besties? There’s an awesome tool called GroupRaise that combines  delicious food, great company and raising money at the same time!

And there’s so much more that you take part in every day can help continue support young women affected by breast cancer.

Find out how to support YSC with the activities you do every day.

Become a YSC Champion