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Just for Co-Survivors: New Growth

Just for Co-Survivors: New Growth

Spring seems to be a little shy this year to fully arrive. I hear reports from around the country about snow still predicted and falling (even up to 9” in Minnesota). While we are still donning our sweaters and tucking a blanket in around our feet, we might appreciate that National Library Week is this month. What have you been reading lately just for you? As I enjoy my screened-in porch and watch the azaleas completely show off in the yard, I have been known to sit under a blanket when the temperature is still quite cool. Why? Because it’s delicious and grounding to be outside.

There is something about spring and new growth that feels like a do-over. Regardless of what I did or didn’t do to prepare the beds, the blooms come back, and it feels like magic just about every time.

Let’s apply that idea to our lives. Where can we clean-slate it? Begin again? Without the notion that whatever the new growth is that we have to carry the baggage that preceded. This is about letting go, trying again and creating a sense of flexibility and generosity inside ourselves, with ourselves and with our loved ones.

Maybe it’s hugging your pet (again) because April is also National Pet Month. Maybe cooling out to Miles Davis because it’s Jazz Appreciation Month.

What might that look like? Asking for help. Taking care of yourself. Stopping, literally, to smell the roses. Doing something completely unrelated to your loved one’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. Something simple, fun and easy.

Maybe create your own celebration day in your household. Like national ice cream after dinner day or a clean joke contest and the winner gets to [fill in the blank] for one week. Simple. Fun. Easy.

YSC Resources:

“Just do your thing”
“15 Ways You Can Help a Young Woman Diagnosed with Breast Cancer”

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